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June Norton Bernie Lee Realtors
Royal Heritage Realty Ltd., Brokerage
Experience You Can Trust, Service You Can Count On!
- (416) 407-8494
- (905) 831-2222
- (905) 239-4807
When would you like to visit...

June Norton Bernie Lee Realtors
Royal Heritage Realty Ltd., Brokerage
Experience You Can Trust, Service You Can Count On!
- (416) 407-8494
- (905) 831-2222
- (905) 239-4807

Experience You Can Trust,
Service You Can Count On!
Experience You Can Trust,
Service You Can Count On!

Our Free Home Evaluation includes market trends, market history & forecasts to help you in the home selling process. We will help you set up a plan that guides you through the process and the costs along the way. We give a complete evaluation and personalized plan to get you where you want to go.
- Should I buy or sell first?
- Know the current trends
- What are the economic conditions affecting my sale (supply & demand, mortgage interest rates, etc)
- When is my mortgage renewal? Can my mortgage be ported to my new home or do I have to discharge it?
- How do I maximize my sale price?
- Should I stage my home? **Contact Us For A Free Staging Consultation When You List With June And Bernie**
- What are the costs of selling?
We have a passion for assisting people with their various real estate needs. We are trusted and well trained professional Realtors who strive to provide our clients with the best solution.
Clients are impressed by the dedication and effort we put into making sure that they receive top quality service and amazing results. Explore our website to find detailed listing information, buying guides, selling guides and other features that suit your real estate requirements.
Discover why we love real estate and why we are the best choice for you.
- What are the market conditions - are prices increasing or decreasing
- What are the current trends (larger homes with home office space, moving out of the downtown core, are rent$ increasing or decreasing, etc)
- Where are the best locations to purchase
- Investment properties - Pros & Cons
- Getting a pre-approved mortgage
- What are the advantages of using mortgage brokers
- Utilizing RRSP and First-Time Home Buyer programs, am I too late?
- What are the downpayment rules and how much are CMHC premiums
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